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A benefit for the Belmont Ski Education Foundation
Tickets: $25 Adult
available at Birds & Beasleys, Piccolo Music, Sweetgrass Music 406.204.5588 or at Aaberg Tickets
Students $10. at the door with ID
Reception follows the concert in the fellowship hall
Can I buy tickets online to be picked up at the door and save handling fee?
Absolutely Marty! use the coupon ticket at checkout and it will make it free shipping…and I can either mail the tickets or hold them at the door for you. Thanks, Patty
Is it too late to get tickets today (12/16)? Just heard about this & would love to send my daughter & granddaughter, who live in Helena!
Cathy Dombrovske
Augusta, MT
Hi Cathy,
You are fine to order tickets now I will hold them at the door in their names. I’ll be here until noon. After that just call me at 406-204-5588 should you need anything. Thanks!
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